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系统软件 wes 1年前 (2024-01-08) 1343次浏览

        Bcachefs 文件系统是一个基于 Linux 操作系统的写时复制(COW)文件系统,旨在与 Btrfs 和 ZFS 文件系统提供的现代功能竞争,同时具有 EXT4 和 XFS 文件系统的速度和性能。与现有的主流文件系统(如 Ubuntu 使用的 ext4)相比,Bcachefs 在某些方面更具吸引力。它内置了文件系统层级的校验和多设备功能,被认为比 btrfs 更安全,同时性能更高。同时,Bcachefs 文件系统强调可靠性和健壮性。

        Linux 内核 6.7 正式版支持 Bcachefs 文件系统。  3y4.net

官方网站:bcachefs   Linux内核

“The COW filesystem for Linux that won’t eat your data”.
Bcachefs is an advanced new filesystem for Linux, with an emphasis on reliability and robustness and the complete set of features one would expect from a modern filesystem.

Copy on write (COW) – like zfs or btrfs
Full data and metadata checksumming
Multiple devices
Erasure coding (not stable)
Caching, data placement
Nocow mode
Extended attributes, ACLs, quotas
Scalable – has been tested to 100+ TB, expected to scale far higher (testers wanted!)
High performance, low tail latency
Already working and stable, with a small community of users

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