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冰点还原 Deep Freeze

系统软件 wes 1年前 (2024-01-02) 1072次浏览

官方网站:Deep Freeze – Faronics


        冰点还原精灵(Deep Freeze)是一款由加拿大Faronics公司开发的老牌系统还原软件,冰点还原可以自动将系统还原到初始状态,保护系统不被更改,能够很好的抵御病毒的入侵以及人为的对系统有意或无意的破坏,冰点还原软件的安装不会影响硬盘分区和操作系统,轻松安装,动态保护,实时瞬间恢复,操作简单,安装了它的系统,无论进行了安装文件,还是删除文件,更改系统设置等操作,计算机重新启动后,一切将恢复成初始状态。

        Deep Freeze 冰点使工作站配置变得坚不可摧。确保重启时能 100% 恢复工作站。提供密码保护和完整的安全性。保护多个硬盘驱动器和分区。防止配置偏移和系统意外配置错误。有助于保持所有工作站的软件合规性。通过简单的重启防止工作站遭到未经授权的更改。
        安装 Deep Freeze 冰点后,用户只需按下还原按钮即可解决自己的问题。就这么简单!

• 每次重启系统保证100%恢复
• 保护系统主引导记录(MBR)
• 隐身模式可以隐藏Deep Freeze系统托盘图标
• 轻松部署选项,包括用于快速网络部署的静默安装,部署作为您的映像解决方案的一部分
• 提供密码保护和完整安全性
• 防止勒索软件和恶意软件
• 保护多个硬盘驱动器和分区
• 支持多引导启动的系统环境
• 支持FAT, FAT32, NTFS, 标准和动态磁盘


        Deep Freeze makes workstation configurations indestructible. Guarantees 100% workstation recovery upon restart. Provides password protection and complete security. Protects multiple hard drives and partitions. Prevents configuration drift and accidental system misconfiguration. Helps maintain Software compliance across all workstations. Protects workstations from unauthorized changes with a simple restart.
        Install Deep Freeze and let users solve their own problems with the simple push of the restore button. It’s that easy!

        Deep Freeze is Faronics’ solution for quickly restoring settings and other Windows software changes after each startup. This program restores everyone to the previous state by taking a picture of all Windows settings after resetting; these changes will restore them to their original state if the user prompts or causes a virus entry. Deep Freeze can even be a replacement for antivirus, and just reset Windows when the virus arrives. The program is commonly used in cafes, offices, schools, and all public computers.

Features and features of Deep Freeze:
– Easy and convenient interface
– Complete and accurate restore to the original state after each Restart
– Thaw means freeze-dried or frozen freeze-thaw system to make the necessary adjustments to Windows (settings that do not change with reboot)
– High security of the app by creating proprietary or disposable passwords to access settings
– Set the time to exit Freeze mode to perform antivirus, windows and …
– Full client management and management capabilities in the Server version
– Set the time to restart or shutdown the computer
– Compatible with drives of different number and type and different file systems

– This software comes in two versions of Workstation and Server Windows, both in Standard and Enterprise editions, and we offer both Workstation and Enterprise editions of Server versions. See the comparison of Standard and Enterprise editing features here .
– To uninstall the program, first select Thaw mode and after rebooting, run the installer and uninstall it.
– The Data Igloo tool for transferring custom folders, profiles, or registry keys to a separate section to prevent them from applying the Freeze mode, as well as the MSI Packager tool for making a copy of the installed software.

网络资源可用?完全版 注册版 破解版 特别版 全功能 绿色便携版 永久 序列号;搜索下载地址链接:aliyundrive.com pan.baidu.com 123pan.com

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