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PDF阅读器:福昕 Foxit PDF Reader 2023.3.0.23028 绿色便携版

办公应用 wes 1年前 (2023-09-15) 683次浏览

官方网站:Free PDF Reader & Viewer – Online Download | Foxit Software



        福昕PDF阅读器 Foxit Reader 增强优化版本由亿破姐YPOJIE.COM!收集发布,福昕阅读器作为一款在全球范围内流行的PDF阅读器,能够快速打开、浏览、审阅、注释、签署及打印任何PDF文件,具有轻快、高效、安全等特性,是目前一款带有PDF创建功能的阅读器。此外,它以安全著称,从底层技术、应用设计、功能实现到处理机制,都广泛考虑了各层面用户对安全的需求,也是支持微软SharePoint服务器和Office365环境下对PDF文档的权限控制与应用,被微软推荐为首选的PDF阅读器。福昕阅读器提供一套完整的PDF创建方案,允许用户免费创建PDF文件。




        Foxit Reader is a pdf reader from the familiar and powerful name of a company of the same name. Foxit has gained a lot of fame with the release of this pdf reader, and its fast-paced popularity with Adobe software is admirable. This free program is able to open PDF files in any language at high speed. The program has a small volume, but at this low volume, it has many features. You can see the bookmarks documentation. See attachments. You can highlight any text anywhere in different colors. The images in the document can be saved separately.

Features and Features of Foxit Reader:
        You can take notes anywhere on the PDF. The links in the file are well recognized by the program, and of course, security considerations also prevent computer viruses from running. When you click on a link, you will be asked to open the link with confidence. The program can also open documents containing embedded forms and be able to complete and submit form information. Document printing speed is very good in this application and the print settings are well designed. Like Word, you can set all of the basic printing capabilities, including pages, duplex printing, paper size, and more. And maybe new features that you won’t see in other similar software.

        For English pdfs and supported languages you can easily save the document in text format or other custom formats. In the document specification, all fonts used in the file are specified. The program automatically notifies you of updates and you can automatically change the program updates if you wish. One of the strengths of this program is its full configuration. You have the right to intervene in almost every aspect of this software. For example, in the background colors, text, and graphic themes of the app, your hand is completely open and you can decorate it as you wish.


Industry’s most powerful PDF Reader Solution.
View, annotate, form fill, and sign PDF across desktop, mobile, and web – no matter if you’re at the office, home, or on the go.

Features at a glance
Read and Print PDF
Read and Print
Experience the power of PDF through a full functioned PDF Reader. Reading and printing PDF couldn’t be easier. Leverage existing forms and workflows with standard PDF (Acroforms) and XFA (XML Form Architecture) form filling.

Read PDF anywhere in Foxit PDF Reader
Read PDF Anywhere
Foxit PDF Reader is available on Windows, macOS, iOS, android, the web, and Linux, providing a consistent reading experience no matter where you are and what device you’re using.

Collaborat and share PDF in Foxit PDF Reader
Collaborate and Share
Integrate with leading cloud storage services and popular enterprise CMS. Collaborate through shared reviews while providing document feedback with a large variety of annotation tools. Add file attachments as comments.

Protect and sign PDF in Foxit PDF Reader
Protect and Sign
Sign documents in your own handwriting or utilize eSignature and verify the status of digital signatures. Be safe from vulnerabilities by utilizing Trust Manager/Safe Mode, ASLR & DEP, Disable JavaScript, and Security Warning Dialogs.

Collaborat and share PDF in Foxit PDF Reader
AI Assistant
Foxit PDF Reader’s integration with ChatGPT empowers users with the following AI-driven features that help increase productivity and streamline document processing across various devices and operating systems.

Protect and sign PDF in Foxit PDF Reader
Customize and Deploy
Use Group Policy for menu and configuration settings, the SCUP Catalog to import and deploy updates through Windows Update Services, XML Configuration to customize mass deployments, and the Setup Customization Tool for installer configuration./Safe Mode, ASLR & DEP, Disable JavaScript, and Security Warning Dialogs.

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