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安卓官方原生开发工具:谷歌Android Studio

开发工具 wes 1年前 (2024-01-24) 1609次浏览

        Android Studio 是基于IDEA的安卓开发IDE,是安卓原生开发最重要的开发工具,也是官方的开发工具,在JetBrains Intellij IDEA的基础上,Android Studio 提供了一些特性:
Android 专属的重构和快速修复
支持ProGuard 和应用签名
基于模板的向导来生成常用的 Android 应用设计和组件
功能强大的布局编辑器,可以让你拖拉 UI 控件并进行效果预览

        Android Studio with its former name Android SDK is a great software developed and developed by Google for Android developers. The software has a virtual simulator that makes it easy to develop Android software. You can wizard with this application on the Android platform and create great software. With the simulator in the program, you can test the code you\’ve written and fix their bugs. Working with the application simulator is very simple and you can resize it to view your work on a variety of systems and mobiles.

        The only drawback to the Android SDK simulator is that novices can’t easily install and simulate software, however many online guides are designed for this purpose. That makes it easy for newcomers. The libraries required for programming Android apps are available and do not need to be downloaded separately. All in all, professionals can program their software as quickly as possible, the only downside to this program is that it is not easy for amateur people to communicate and learn quickly.

Android Studio Developer Features and Features:
Debugger for troubleshooting
Powerful simulation with different resolutions for simulation
Required programming libraries
Document and virtual guides


Android 开发者  |  Android Developers (google.cn)

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