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Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 v17.8.4 中文正式版

开发工具 wes 1年前 (2024-01-10) 1509次浏览

官方网站:Visual Studio: 面向软件开发人员和 Teams 的 IDE 和代码编辑器 (microsoft.com)

        Visual Studio 2022 包括社区版、专业版和企业版,一般情况下入门和学习直接使用免费的社区版即可,支持C, C++, C #, .NET, JavaScript, CSS, Python等各种编程语言及脚本。

        Visual Studio IDE 是一个创意启动板,可用于编辑、调试和生成代码,然后发布应用。除了大多数 IDE 都提供的标准编辑器和调试器之外,Visual Studio 还包括编译器、代码补全工具、图形设计器以及许多其他功能,以增强软件开发过程。
        更快地编写代码、更智能地工作:Visual Studio 是一款速度非常快的 IDE,可帮助提高工作效率。 可针对任何平台、任何设备进行开发。 构建任何类型的应用程序。 支持实时协同工作。 可在问题发生之前诊断并阻止问题。 它可以让你的代码更加流畅且具有更好的响应性。
        设计精美的跨平台应用,Visual Studio 是一个出色的 IDE,可用于构建适用于 Windows、Mac、Linux、iOS 和 Android 的丰富、精美的跨平台应用程序。 使用一系列技术(例如 WinForms、WPF、WinUI、MAUI 或 Xamarin)构建丰富的客户端应用。 所有这些都具有 Visual Studio 中的设计器,支持你使用丰富的工具操作和预览应用,以轻松构建复杂的布局。

        不同版本功能对比差异详见:比较 Visual Studio 产品 | Visual Studio (microsoft.com)

        Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022, an integrated development environment software ( Integrated Development Environment – IDE) is well known that Microsoft has been developed by the company. This programming environment is used to develop computer software as well as websites, web applications, web services and mobile applications. The numerous features of this IDE have made many professional users use it. Ability to auto-complete code (IntelliSense), code reconstruction, visual interface design of applications and the ability to install multiple plugins are among the main features of this software. Visual Studio also supports 36 different languages including C, C++, C #, .NET, JavaScript, CSS, Python and Robbie.

        Version 2022 of this popular IDE offers new features and capabilities to users. One of the most important changes compared to the 2019 version is the introduction of a 64-bit version of Visual Studio, which is very easy to manage large projects. Upgrade live preview feature in this version that allows WPF and web developers to preview live web and XAML applications and view changes instantly, Hot Reload for C ++ or Net + projects. Which allows you to edit them while the program is running and make changes, and the Force Run feature that allows you to run the program regardless of its breakpoints are among the features of the Visual Studio 2022.

Features of Visual Studio 2022  :
Live Preview: Live preview for web and XAML applications
Hot Reload: Apply changes to C ++ and Net applications. During execution
Force Run: Run the program to a specific point, regardless of the breakpoints for troubleshooting
Provide 64-bit version to improve performance and facilitate the management of large projects
Added C ++ build and debugging in WSL2 distributions
Redesigned icons
And …

Tips for this version  :
– Version 2022 is only available in 64-bit editions.

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