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DiskGenius 5.4.6简体中文绿色版

经典软件 wes 2年前 (2023-02-01) 715次浏览




        DiskGenius 是一款专业级的 数据恢复软件 ,算法精湛、功能强大,用户群体广泛;支持各种情况下的文件恢复、分区恢复,恢复效果好;文件预览、扇区编辑、加密分区恢复、Ext4分区恢复、RAID恢复等高级功能应有尽有。




        DiskGenius is the name of the software used to recover your data. This software helps you to recover files that you have mistakenly deleted. Also with this software you will be able to restore your partitions by rebuilding MBR. You will also be able to recover corrupted partitions, RAIDs and disks with this software. It can also enhance the security of your disk to prevent possible crashes. It also uses a tool called Clone Partition that allows users to backup their files safely and use them when needed.

DiskGenius software, of course, is not just for data recovery. With this software you will be able to detect and fix partitioning errors. You will also be able to manage your disk with this software. This software as a tool can detect many of your system and computer problems and help you fix it.

Features and Features of DiskGenius:
Easy and hassle-free use of this software is for everyone
It is possible to recover all types of deleted files by this software
With this software you will be able to manage your partitioning
This software detects your disk defects
Partitioning errors can be detected using the software
You will also be able to increase the security of your computer disk
Benefit from Clone Partition tool that helps you a lot in backup
System Requirements
Operating Systems

Windows 10

Windows 8 / 8.1

Windows 7

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